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Time to Talk Anew

Jalâluddîn Rumi said, “My dear, whatever was said yesterday vanished with yesterday. Now it’s time to talk anew.” Yesterday is left behind; yes, that’s...

“A Politician Has To Be Sociable”

Abdülkadir Aksu has been one of the most important figures in Turkish political life since he made the move into politics from the top...

The President Must be a Person Everyone Can Trust

GÜRSEL TEKİN We came together with Republican People’s Party (CHP) Deputy Chairman Gürsel Tekin at the CHP headquarters in Ankara. After evaluating the political atmosphere...

A Diplomat in Love With Art

KLAUS WÖLFER EU MEMBERSHIP IS THE ICING ON THE CAKE This month, Issue’s special guest is the Ambassador of Austria to Ankara, Klaus Wölfer, who says...