Time to Talk Anew

Jalâluddîn Rumi said, “My dear, whatever was said yesterday vanished with yesterday. Now it’s time to talk anew.” Yesterday is left behind; yes, that’s...

We Must Find a More Equal Balance of Trade and Finance

PAULO DE MORAES Speaking to Démarche, Paulo de Moraes, the Senior Counselor of the Embassy of Brazil in Ankara responsible for the Political and Commercial...

Recipes From Italian Cuisine – Buccellato

Italy is not a large country, yet each region has its own distinct traditional dishes of which the people are incredibly proud. Regional specialties...

More Opportunities to Offer Each Other

PULE ISAAC MALEFANE “South Africa is Turkey’s Leading Trade Partner in Sub-Saharan Africa” South African Ambassador to Turkey Isaac Malefane, speaking in an interview with Démarche...

A Household Name in Italian Cuisine

TONI BRANCATISANO By M. Ferhat YÜKSEL A couple of months ago, while in Rome for some business meetings, it struck me that traveling to Italy without...

Investment Time In Japan

“I HOPE THE TURKISH PEOPLE FALL IN LOVE WITH JAPAN FOR REALISTIC REASONS.” HIROSHI OKA Hiroshi Oka was appointed as Japanese Ambassador to Turkey in April...

Profit and Loss are Brothers

NİHAT ÖZDEMİR EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF LİMAK HOLDİNG Limak Holding is currently engaged in the construction of the Third Airport in Istanbul – the largest project ever...

‘Democracy and Press Freedom are Twin Siblings’

Journalists’ Association Chair Nazmi Bilgin Experienced journalist Nazmi Bilgin has headed Turkey's most deeply established press organization, the Journalists’ Association, for 23 years. He...

“A Politician Has To Be Sociable”

Abdülkadir Aksu has been one of the most important figures in Turkish political life since he made the move into politics from the top...

The Villa That Witnessed History

PEMBE KÖŞK Pembe Köşk (Pink Villa) in Ankara was where “National Chief” İsmet İnönü, the second president of the Republic of Turkey, spent 48 years,...