ASEAN Day was marked with an event organized by The Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Ankara, the current Chair of the ASEAN Committee in Ankara, at Hacı Bayram Veli University. Achmad Rizal Purnama, Ambassador of Indonesia to Türkiye, emphasized the importance of the ASEAN-Türkiye partnership as a model of cooperation providing tangible benefits for both sides and contributing to global peace and prosperity amid increasing conflicts and geopolitical competition.
The event was attended by over 800 participants, including ambassadors, representatives of diplomatic missions, academics, and students. The ASEAN Strategic Forum, held under the theme “ASEAN-Türkiye: Partnership for the Future”, featured speakers such as Dr. Philips J. Vermonte, Senior Fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), Ambassador Chirachai Punkrasin, Executive Director of the ASEAN Center for Sustainable Development Studies and Dialogue (ACSDSD), and Ali Yıldız, Secretary of the Delegation of Türkiye to the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly.

Opening speeches were delivered by Prof. Dr. Metin Orbay, Vice Rector of AHBV University; Ambassador Esra Cankotur, Director General of Asia-Pacific Affairs at the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Hon. Osman Sağlam, Member of the Grand National Assembly of Türkiye; and Achmad Rizal Purnama, Ambassador of Indonesia to Türkiye. The forum focused on enhancing ASEAN-Türkiye cooperation.
In his remarks, Ambassador Achmad Rizal Purnama emphasized that in a world facing conflicts and intensifying geopolitical rivalries, the ASEAN-Türkiye partnership should serve as a beacon of cooperation that delivers tangible benefits for both sides and contributes to global peace and prosperity. Ambassador Rizal highlighted three key areas where ASEAN and Türkiye can work for mutual benefit: food security, energy resilience, and economic equality, including downstream industries. He also noted that over the past five decades, ASEAN has built a strong and inclusive regional framework that encourages major powers to compete through collaboration rather than conflict in the Indo-Pacific. He suggested that this approach could serve as an inspiration for other regions, particularly the Middle East, to create greater stability and security.
The ASEAN Gastronomy Festival and Cultural Exhibition offered visitors a chance to taste traditional delicacies from ASEAN member countries, represented by the embassies of Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. The cultural exhibition showcased traditional artworks and attire unique to ASEAN countries. Visitors also experienced the art of batik-making through an interactive workshop at the Indonesian booth.
Traditional dances and music from ASEAN countries captivated the audience. Indonesia’s performances included the Tor-Tor Dance, Plate Dance, Malay Dance, and an Angklung music presentation featuring songs in Indonesian and Turkish. The event concluded with a lively “Maumere/Gemu Famire” flash mob dance involving participants on stage.
Ambassador Rizal commented on the cultural events, stating, “Diversity is ASEAN’s strength. It unites us and lays the foundation for a brighter future. These performances beautifully demonstrate how different cultures can come together in harmony.” He added that ASEAN’s principle of “Unity in Diversity” serves as a model for building a better world for all of humanity.