Celebrating a Century of Diplomatic Ties Between Turkey and Japan


The 100th-anniversary events for Turkey-Japan diplomatic ties opened at Ankara CerModern, with Deputy Foreign Minister Yoichi Fukazawa emphasizing Turkey’s enduring friendship. Ambassador Takahiko Katsumata highlighted mutual support during natural disasters, mentioning the recent earthquake in Noto Peninsula, Japan. Deputy Minister of Culture and Tourism Gökhan Yazgı underscored the countries’ partnership in global peace, and Deputy Foreign Minister Ahmet Yıldız expressed Turkey’s commitment to defending democratic values.

In attendance were various foreign mission representatives, Deputy Foreign Minister Ahmet Yıldız, Deputy Minister of Culture and Tourism Gökhan Yazgı, Deputy Foreign Minister of Japan Yoichi Fukazawa, AKP Istanbul Deputy and Turkey-Japan Parliamentary Friendship Group President Hulki Cevizoğlu, and Japanese director Shinya Kawatsura.

Condolences for Recent Earthquake in Japan

Ambassador Takahiko Katsumata expressed gratitude for Turkish condolences following recent earthquakes in Japan. He highlighted the enduring friendship and solidarity between Turkey and Japan during challenging times, emphasizing their mutual support.

Japan-Turkey 100-Year Relations

Japanese Deputy Foreign Minister Yoichi Fukazawa mentioned the rare longevity of diplomatic relations between Japan and Turkey, despite the geographical distance. He highlighted the increasing interaction between the two nations, with growing tourism and business collaborations, showcasing the strength of their friendship.

Turkey-Japan Partnerships for Global Peace

Deputy Minister of Culture and Tourism Gökhan Yazgı emphasized Turkey and Japan’s collaboration on regional and global issues, contributing to global peace and stability. He expressed condolences for the recent earthquake in Japan, underscoring the strong bond and solidarity between the nations.

Defending Democratic Values Together

Deputy Foreign Minister Ahmet Yıldız reflected on the history of diplomatic relations, stating that Turkey views Japan as a crucial partner in international peace and stability. He expressed condolences for the recent earthquake in Japan, highlighting the two nations’ cooperation in defending democratic values.

The event included the screening of the film “Mayoiga Cape,” directed by Shinya Kawatsura, as part of the celebration of the 100th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Turkey and Japan.