Brazil’s National Day was celebrated with a reception held at CerModern in Ankara. Hosted by Brazil’s Ambassador to Ankara, Carlos Martins Ceglia, the reception was attended by Minister of Trade Ömer Bolat, Deputy Foreign Minister Ambassador Ayşe Berris Ekinci, as well as many ambassadors, foreign mission representatives, and guests.


THE reception, hosted by Ambassador Carlos Martins Ceglia, his wife Anastasia Ceglia, and embassy diplomats, began with the Turkish and Brazilian national anthems performed by the Turkish Land Forces Band.


In his opening speech, Ambassador Ceglia emphasized that the bilateral relations between Brazil and Turkey are friendly and promising. He mentioned that Brazilian companies continue to invest in Turkey, stating, “Turkey is like a magnet for Brazilian tourists,” and added that there are currently 11 flights per week between Istanbul and São Paulo, with plans for this number to increase. He noted that Turkish culture is well-loved in Brazil, and that many artists, writers, and musicians from Brazil have participated in festivals and seminars in Turkey. Ceglia also recalled that his country has taken over the G20 presidency and mentioned that Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva aims to form a global unity against poverty and hunger.


Minister of Trade Ömer Bolat described Brazil as a gateway to South America, stating, “We aim to further strengthen our economic relations. Currently, Brazil is our largest trading partner among Latin American and Caribbean countries.” Bolat added that Turkey and Brazil, having overcome many challenges in the past, have become two of the world’s leading emerging economies contributing to global politics and the economy. He also highlighted that Turkish TV series, which are popular in Brazil, have strengthened cultural ties between the two countries, creating a favorable environment for mutual understanding and friendship.

The evening featured a performance by the Muzenza Capoeira group, and DJ Demirabi added vibrancy to the reception with Brazilian music.